5 Must Have Apps for Entrepreneurs
About Everything Development

5 Must Have Apps for Entrepreneurs

Running a business means being able to get the most out of every opportunity, with as less expenses as possible. This is especially applicable to organizing your staff and office. People have enormous potential and true leader is the one who knows how to get the most out of it. Technology can really help with this. There are some truly inexpensive (some of them free) apps out there that can be of great help with starting and organizing your business.

Here are a couple of them:

Pocket Expense

This is a personal finance app, but it can be really handy for small business and up and coming entrepreneurs. Starting a business means going to a lot of meetings, business lunches and basically spending money to make money. It’s easy to lose track of all this, especially if your setting up an office in the process. Pocket Expense can help with that. It has an intuitive interface, it can track multiple credit cards and when you want an overview and analysis of your spending – you can get that too.


A lot of work is based on familiar routines. But when you’re just starting, you don’t have these set up. That makes it harder to allocate resources. Time tracking software can help you figure out how long it takes to do a certain task or how long is an optimal break. After you acquire these information (for every employee and every sector individually), you get a clear overview of the way your employees spend their working hours. Yasts is an app which does just that and it’s great for small and medium-size business.


Organizing a shift schedule used to be a lot of work. With Shiftplaning it’s basically automatic. Having a well organized schedule makes your office more productive and your employees happier and protected from burnout syndrome. Shift can be organized collaboratively, so your employees can pitch in and make arrangements based on their particular circumstances. This app is also available on all devices and platforms – which means you don’t have to organize a big meeting to let everyone know about future plans. Budgeting based on the amount of work hours is also done within this one app.


Good manager knows which tasks can be delegated and to whom. There is an app that can be of great help with delegating and following up regarding particular tasks. Productiveev works on all devices and platforms and it can manage businesses of all sizes. Once you assign a task to a specific employee, you can set alerts, milestone and follow the progress in real time. It can also be filtered by different criteria, allowing you to assign the task based on location, expertise and amount of work employees already have on their plate. This helps with bringing newer employees up to speed and easing them into a job.


Work isn’t everything. It’s important to maintain a balance with your personal life. Try to eat healthy and exercise regularly. Don’t forget to have hobbies and goals outside of work as well. All of these need to be tracked and organized. Streak is an app built just for that. It’s based on don’t break a chain principle, which can apply to almost any activity that needs to be repeated. It comes with notifications and reminders and can be used on your computer or any mobile device.

Having the right tools makes every job easier. These apps will help you start and maintain any business (large or small) in any industry. Just remember – no apps can be a substitute for having a good team of employees.

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